Sunday, March 04, 2007

At Home Update!

As promised, here is an update of my life at home with baby my son. For the most part things are going well at home; I have quickly got into a routine and most days my son lets the routine play out with little or no interruptions. He still eats 5 to 6 times a day so a lot of time is dedicated to feeding him but he is generally quiet then so I do not mind at all. He takes two (2) naps a day so I can usually get some work done around the house. My son is a quiet baby whom generally only cries or get cranky when he is hungry or after he has done the nasty in his diaper.

I have managed to find four (4) episodes of Kung Fu on TV every day with an additional episode on one or two days a week. The only downfall is that every station likes to run the same episode during the same week or 2-week period so I end up only watching one or two episodes a day. Since the show is on so frequently I do not mind missing an episode anymore, which allows me to get work done when my son naps through one.

Enough about me and back to my son. He seems to refuse to crawl no matter how hard I try to help him learn. Every now and then, it seems he knows how to crawl but just does not seem to want to. He is much happier scooting on the back of his head. He lifts his ass in the air and pushes off with his feet, dragging his head on the floor as he goes. He also likes the barrel roll technique for getting around too. I am almost ready to give up on him crawling but I just hope he starts walking soon so he can grow some hair on the back of his head, he looks funny with a huge bald patch there.

My son is currently nursing a cold so he is all congested and snotty. Since he enjoys putting his snotty fingers all over my face, including smacking my mouth, I have also become sick so taking care of him has become difficult. I can only hope the worst is over so he can clear his congestion soon and get back to normal. I was not going to add a picture to this post but decided I could not do that to y’all. I will try to update more frequently but I still cannot promise anything.


Jay Dee said...

Sounds like a great way to spend your time - I wish I was taking care of my little nephew rather than working!

Stinky T said...

Hahaha, gross! How does baby snot taste like? Glad you guys are cooperating with each other and that you're enjoying this time with him, slimy fingers nonetheless.

Good luck with the scooting, you'll probably long for these days when he's running around like a rocket punching everyone in the crotch!