Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Driving Lesson 1 - Correction

This is a follow-up to an earlier post about driving.

I have come to realize it was I who had it all wrong when it came to stopping at stop lights and stop signs. I had fallen victim to the government propaganda of a calm and orderly society where rules are meant to be followed. I now know that stopping at stop signs is optional, done only when traffic is approaching from any direction. Stopping at stop lights is a little more complicated. If one is turning right, they must first stop, or at least slow down before turning regardless of approaching traffic. If one actually comes to a complete stop they must only wait a preset amount of time (based on their specific patience level) before completing the turn.

I apologize to anyone who actually put my earlier post into practice. It was based on information that one can ignore once they get their full license. Checking mirrors before changing lanes, signaling, and driving in the right lane except to pass are also items that one can forget once they get their full license too.
(Can you tell I'm bored at work?)

(Picture from The Post Standard off website)


Jay Dee said...

And there is a new rule I just learned yesterday too - if you are in a 'T' intersection and you are driving on the side that doesn't have a cross street you don't have to stop for a red light.

Stinky T said...

Glad where I live they're putting in traffic circles to replace stop signs. Now no one has to stop unless absolutely required to... altho nobody seems to know how to use them so they stop instead of yield.

Wait, that's the solution! Confusing drivers = stopped cars!