Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tax harmonization might lead to good thing

I have never been for this tax harmonization taking affect in Ontario on Canada Day next year but in reading an article on it today, there might be some good that comes out of it after all, even if it is done to fool us, the consumer.

According to this article on, "Some Liberals are urging the premier to embed the prices". Now even though this would be done to hide the taxes to reduce the outcry from the consumers, I think this is a great idea. In fact, I think this should have been done a long time ago when the GST came to be (and seat sales on flights but that is another situation all together). The reason this wasn't done before though was because it would be seen as the government being deceptive and trying to hide the taxes, the exact thing being proposed now. Interesting how government opinions change to suit their needs, isn't it?

Taxes are unavoidable in this economic system, we know that, or at least we should, so we don't need to be reminded of it every time we purchase something. My main concern when I buy that new pair of shoes or food for dinner is the total amount leaving my wallet not how much of it goes to the various levels of government. Can we opt out of paying any tax if we think the amount is too high? No, so there is no reason the tax cannot be hidden in the posted amount. The receipt will still give everyone the ammunition they need to complain about taxes. While they are at it, they should force prices to end in either a 5 or 0 so the penny can be retired too.

1 comment:

MagicalCoffeeCup said...

True enough...however things that were except from taxes are now going to be taxed. So Goods and Services which only required 1 tax will now require two. New home purchases (from my understanding as I've never purchased a home before) will now be increased by 5% as GST was normally NOT charged on goods. It's all a cash grab--and they're trying to make it sound lie it's in our best interest. The Libs even said they were going to give everyone $1,000 to "ease into" the new system.
Riiiiight. So, during a recession we're going to impose this new "system" (aka tax grab)...I'm opposing this to the high heavens--and my reasons for NOT voting Libs ...morons