Friday, April 24, 2009


One of the programs we use at work has been set up to be fairly secure. Every 60 days or perhaps even 60 uses the program asks the user to create a new password. There are limits on what can be used and prevents recent duplications so every time I am asked to provide a new password it takes several tries before I actually stumble on one I can use. And of course this happens when my mind is not in any shape to remember a new password. Today is no exception so I have begun searching for words or terms that probably should not be allowed but are. Childish, I know, but it is all I can do to get back at the man.

One of my last passwords I chose I thought I would have no trouble remembering. It had to do with one of my biggest interests and it was even contained in a picture I used as a desktop background for a while. As it turns out I had more trouble remembering my password when it was always right in front of me than when I came up with some random word to use. Just goes to show that sometimes the most obvious is the hardest thing to see.

1 comment:

Stinky T said...

I have to write mine down otherwise it's another embarrassing call to IT asking if they can reset my password. Again. In the same day.