Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Habitual student

Every year students are hired at work and every year they seem to gravitate towards me. Being in my thirties I am far from being a student but every year these hired students seem to treat me as one of their own. Until recently I found nothing wrong with this because they are usually nice enough and, unless they bug me about work, they are not annoying at all (unlike other sections on my floor).

This year as the students arrived and they once again treated me as a fellow student I began wondering why this is so. I came to a two part conclusion. Firstly, even though I am in my thirties, I am still one of the younger people in my office. On top of that, my attitude towards my work and job is closely in line with a student’s attitude. The other part is that my work itself is not that far removed from what a student would do, including ample time to ‘space out’. At times it even seems that I am given ‘make work projects’ just so it looks like I am busy. It is so bad that most students are given work that is more important and more challenging than my menial tasks. (I guess it is evident why my attitude is that of a student now).

I am not sure if I should be glad the students see me as young or if I should see my situation as just sad.

1 comment:

MagicalCoffeeCup said...

"space out time"