Friday, August 11, 2006

The Long Short Week

Another weekend is almost upon us; another week all but over and I have never wanted the weekend to come as much as I do right now. The four-day week that follows every long weekend always seems so long, longer than the usual five-day weeks and this week has been no exception.

Is it because I am in a golf tournament tomorrow, a day to be filled with good food, good friends, and hopefully even some good golf (I’m not holding my breath on that one though)? The tournament is always the highlight of my summer even though my team has finished last the past three years.

Is this drawn out feeling a trick by my subconscious mind? Does the fact that it is a short week affect the mind’s perception of time?

Or is it simply a result of my sheer boredom at work and my desire to be doing anything but come to this dungeon every day?

Whatever the reason for this feeling, in just over 4 hours from now I will be on the train heading home and the weekend will have officially started. Even the train crazies won’t seem so bad to me tonight…okay, that might be stretching it as they are usually worse on Friday afternoons. Another good reason to look forward to the weekend; two days I don’t have to deal with the train crazies.

1 comment:

Stinky T said...

It's the government man! It's the government and their conspiracy, don't you know it's all about their power over us and they work the jigsaw and play with our minds man! They gotta make us into their drones, the drone conspiracy where our fun is cancelled out by work man, and the only way to do that is fuck with us.

Mind control!! It's totally the mind control conspiracy man! They play with our thoughts and stretch out time so that we're at work for longer than we think even with shorter work weeks. They play with the time, man, the time!