Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Another conundrum: noodles or soup?

This past weekend my son, my wife and I went to the in laws Saturday and returning home Sunday, arriving just in time for dinner. Now, if we had thought about it in advance we would have taken something out of the freezer and put it in the fridge Saturday morning before we left so we’d have food to cook upon our return. Of course that didn’t happen so we were stuck searching high and low for food to eat.

Not wanting to order out we settled on packages of Mr. Noodles to eat. Thinking this would not be enough for us I suggested having soup to go with it but my wife rejected that saying that we were already having soup in the Mr. Noodles. I countered saying that it was not soup but noodles so we could still have soup. I mean, the name itself suggests it is noodles and not soup. Perhaps this will be another of those eternal conundrums. Or maybe there is a simple answer that eluded us in our “jetlagged” state.

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