Thursday, October 29, 2009

Be careful what you wish

For the past, oh, let's say three years, I've been wasting my days away at work. Between the rare busy times I would do whatever I could to avoid becoming bored. I would wander around and disturb others who were actually doing work; I would surf the web; and when I was really desperate, I would play around on excel so it sounded like I was working. Of course, I kept a lot of paper scattered on my desk as well to give the illusion I was busy.

At first not being very busy was fun. I was getting paid for nothing. Well, I figured it was work enough just dragging my ass outta bed before the sun crept into view every morning and suffered through the daily commute via the GO train. The past couple years I began to be more vocal about not having much to do and I even began asking others for work. Finally a slow trickle of work began to come my way.

Then we had a change in supervisors and things changed: I was starting to get more work. I received some training that will, or at least should, make moving out of this place easier. Things were starting to look up, or so I thought. With my increased workload also came a constant shadowing by my supervisor. Everyday she seems to be at my desk as soon as I get in and starts bugging me about some sort of work that I really don't care about and really is important enough that it couldn't wait until I got settled. I need time to acclimatize myself to the office every morning. She then returns a few times throughout the day as if checking up on me. Seriously, am I 2 or something?

Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the increased work. My clock watching has stopped and my days are not dragging into oblivion like they once did, at least for the most part. I just wish the work came without an annoying shadow. Ah well, I wasted an hour of today so perhaps it is time to get something done.

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