Thursday, October 01, 2009

September 2009 Quotes

Public knowledge has degenerated to a form of entertainment.
- Whitley Strieber (Majestic) of power are randomly dangerous when they are afraid.
- Whitley Strieber (Majestic)

The problem with keeping things...secret is that they are removed from the free market of ideas, and understanding proceeds at a much slower pace.
- Whitley Strieber (Majestic)

We can do without any article of luxury we have never had, but when once obtained, it is not in 'human natur' to surrender it voluntarily.
- Thomas C Haliburton (The Clockmaker)

a women's tongue goes so slick of itself, without water power or steam, and moves so easy on its hinges, that it's no easy matter to put a spring-stop on it
- Thomas C Haliburton (The Clockmaker)

Never tell folks you can go ahead on 'em, but do it; it spares a great deal of talk, and helps them to save their breath to cool their broth.
- Thomas C Haliburton (The Clockmaker)

Youth is the time for improvement
- Thomas C Haliburton (The Clockmaker)

All critters of nature are better in their own element.
- Thomas C Haliburton (The Clockmaker)

nothin' sets up a woman's spunk like callin' her ugly
- Thomas C Haliburton (The Clockmaker)

custom...will reconcile one to most anything
- Thomas C Haliburton (The Clockmaker)

The bigger the house, the bigger the fools be that's in it.
- Thomas C Haliburton (The Clockmaker)

There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something
- JRR Tolkein (The Hobbit)

You certainly usually find something, if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after.
- JRR Tolkein (The Hobbit)

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