Friday, May 22, 2009

Justice on the tracks

Some douchebag was caught crossing tracks at Union Station this morning. Not sure how the special constable actually caught him since they are generally not really paying any attention to anything but he did. As I passed them the guy was pleading his case. I really wanted to stay and hear what his lame excuse was but thought it best that I keep moving. He should have listened to the customer service ambassador's (I couldn't make that one up if I tried, that is really the person's title) announcement stating "crossing tracks at platform level are prohibited and illegal". Just watching the guy trying to explain his idiocy brought a smile to my face.

1 comment:

Stinky T said...

I've been tempted on some days when the the cattle moves slower than usual to cross the tracks and skip down an empty stairway but I'm too chicken shit to actually do it coz I know that'll be the day I get busted.