Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The calm before the storm

As I await the new system going live, I have very little to do. So little that today I went through my desk taking inventory of anything that belongs to me (and there isn't much, most of which is just going to be tossed when I leave) and then did some filing. Boring as it was it helped the morning not feel overly long. Another ninety minutes and I am off for lunch.

This has to be the calm before the storm as once the new system is up and running then chaos will likely ensue. My boss is so nervous about this one area of my work (for which the new system has been developed) that she is constantly bugging me about parts of it that are really insignificant. With the effort that has been put forth by the person taking over for me while I am away, I can totally understand her nervousness. It will be an interesting 3.5 weeks.

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