Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Not much spirit here

Apparently it is St Patrick's Day but one would not know it to look around here. Looking at the people in my little office space here one wouldn't know it was a green day at all. From the 20 or so people here, only myself and one other person is wearing green today. Come to think of it I didn't notice much green on the train ride in either but most people were still had their jackets on (if that would even make a difference).

Where has our spirit gone? Are we so wrapped up in our own little, insignificant lives that we cannot break out of our shell for just one day. Can we not come together in the middle of a work week and celebrate one nation of people, a nation who enjoys the occasional drink, fisticuffs, music, dancing and just life in general? Can we not enjoy one day where we can act silly, dress in any shade of green, drink beer dyed the same colour and hope to share in the Irish luck.

I am not one to go out and act silly but I will definitely get behind a nation of people whose stereotype, whether true or not, is to have fun and enjoy life, even if only for a day. So get out and enjoy the green beer, you might actually have a good time and perhaps you will experience a bit of the Irish luck on this magical day.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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