Wednesday, March 31, 2010

More things I am not going to miss

Since I have time on my hands, here are some things I am not going to miss while I am off work. Driving to the GO station and hoping the train is on time; the constant pounding of elbows and bags into my side, arms and legs while riding the train; the other annoyances public transit offers, i.e. smells, loud obnoxious people...; getting to work and having nothing to do; working with idiots; taking the train home and hoping it is on time; taking the train home and hoping I actually get home; and those inconsiderate drivers at the GO parking lots.

So in general, I am not going to miss a damn thing about my work / commute while I am off. This is not to say I am going to thoroughly enjoy the five months with screaming kids and never wish I was at work. Nope, I'm not saying that at all. I'm just saying I am not going to miss coming to this workplace.

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