Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Don’t Call Me Mr. Mom!

My wife has found a job and now I will be in charge of taking care of baby Alan and getting things done around the house. As you can imagine I am looking forward to being away from work, and the idiots associated with work, for 4 months, especially since I get to spend time with baby Alan. Even though taking care of the baby will be fun, I am also very nervous about it. After all, I have performed the various tasks like cleaning, dishes, laundry, and cooking before (even though I haven’t had to do any of it in the past 7 months) but I have never taken care of a baby before. In fact, I have avoided babies and underage children all my life.

Today and tomorrow I get a sneak peek at how my days with baby Alan will be spent since my leave does not officially start until Feb 5. So far the day seems to be going pretty good, I even got to sleep in a bit this morning, although I didn’t hear Alan stir last night but woke to my wife trying to put him back to sleep. That will need work in the future. I was warned that feeding the baby will take up most of my day and I am quickly finding that out first hand. After all, he does eat 6 times a day (according to the meal planner my wife made for me to follow).

It is time for another episode of Kung Fu: The Legend Continues so I shall sign off now. I will try to update on my progress and maybe even post some pics from time to time in the next four months (I will try weekly updates but past history suggests that is not likely).


MagicalCoffeeCup said...

I love the fact that your wife has created a meal planner for you. LOL

I'm sure you'll do a GREAT job. I'm sure it'll be hard work; but rewarding one. Not like the OVERWHELMING recognition you get from the chumps here in the office < should be read with heavy sarcasm >.

Enjoy your day!!

Stinky T said...

Teeee! The first and bestest imagery that popped into my head was you vacuuming in dainty heels, a pink polka dot apron and a bandana (I typed banana first!) tied around your head.

Doing chores while all dolled up doesn't get any cooler than that, at least not in my mind!