Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Short Reprieve

As tomorrow is my last day of work for 4 months, I am getting more excited by the minute. This is; however, a touch on the sad side too for there is a group of friends I will leave behind. I am making it sound as if I am about to die when it is almost the opposite. I am sure my life will increase by a number of years by not having to suffer through the agonizing journey to and from work nor dealing with idiots once I reach my destination because we all read that article stating idiots in the workplace affect one’s health.

Back to the topic before I totally lose all hope of getting somewhere with this post. For the past month, all I have really thought about is that I get a reprieve from the daily torture of work and the morons I work with/for; I never once thought about the good people I won’t be seeing for 17 weeks. These people, these friends are my ‘saving grace’ while I wither away everyday staring into the monitor. They know what it is like there, know the people I deal with, and are going through some similar situations that I went through. In other words, they can relate to me and I to them. They listen to my rants and either sympathize, make a joke about the situation or person involved, or remind me of their situation, which sometimes offers a little relief to my woes.

I wish they all could join me but unfortunately, that will not pay their bills so it is not practical. Besides, if they did join me I would not get updates on the Employee of the Year award nominees (for which we had one the first day back to work this year and 3 nominees by the end of the first week of 2007). It is going to be a tight race this year, so tight we may need to add more categories. My time off will go by extremely quick so I will be back to work before I want to be and be subjected to the mind numbing stupidity once again. Until then, to my comrades in arms, Godspeed.

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