Tuesday, January 30, 2007



Recently the lyrics to Hungry Heart by the Boss, Bruce Springsteen, have been stuck in my mind: “I took a wrong turn and I just kept going”. Throughout my life, I have made several mistakes (wrong turns) and, looking back, most times I have erred in my judgement I had a chance to go back to the spot and try again but instead I kept plugging on full speed ahead. I guess this doesn’t really matter now since things turned out alright but I just needed to get it off my chest. As the saying goes, ‘two wrongs don’t make a right’; I guess a lifetime of wrongs (albeit small wrongs) do make a right.

Beware the Army of Doves

During one night earlier last week, Tuesday night I think, the Army of Doves landed on Front Street in Toronto and affixed warning signs to pretty much everything, walls, poles, even newspaper boxes were used…or abused. I do not know what this group stands for or why they targeted Front Street, but from the way the red circular signs smoothered everything in sight, it seems this group means business. Until the Army makes their intentions known, I would tread lightly and watch your back.

Always Thinking?

I heard a news story on the radio last week discussing a recent survey. (Do people not have anything better to do than do pointless studies?). This particular study proved that we humans are always thinking. Whether it is about how that girl practically exposed herself in the train on the way to work or what to cook for dinner or if we managed to lock the door before leaving, our minds are never blank. I don’t know about any of you but I frequently feel as if my mind is blank…I guess not. I guess you can’t respond to the question ‘what are you thinking about?’ with a simple ‘nothing’ anymore.

Comedic Relief

Last week (a lot seemed to happen last week) I was telling my mom how my throat was sore again. Here’s a snapshot of the conversation:

Me: My throat is sore….again!
Mom: ….Maybe you’re allergic to something in the building at work.
Me: Like what? Work?
*after the laughing subsided*

Me: Oh wait I don’t really do any work there anyhow.


Stinky T said...

Oh dude, I noticed the Army of Doves' stickers too but much in the same way that I notice patronizing lectures written up on bathroom stall walls in magic marker about the evils of commercialism and eating meat. What better way to be prolific than to vandalize public property I always say.

What was the message anyway from those crazy Doves?

The Shuster said...

Unfortunately I still don't know the message from the Doves. It was in some kind of code. When I saw them I thought back to the paranoia witnessed in 12 Monkeys.